Makoa Translator - English to Makoa (beta v1)

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poka li mukula latu, kohi li kailana wokuto ni li 'kaika te Kaikala', huna miko imo pohono-puna ma li hokuna. pakalaka peto-puna huna makulu, le howa waha na papa ki hotuna: tikawaka, mokawa, hoi kokota. koke, loko keheda howa ta ko heila kune Kirm, poka le lo ko pohono-puna ma li hokuna.

loko imo li mukula te Kirm, huna miko pule li Makoa kumoa (hamene pule li kaika te Kaikala) hoi eu keheda na peto-puna huna makulu. huna mukula laka takua wekolo ni li kaika te Kaikala huna mule ioukuna ago. Kirm, wio hero, howa waha na papa: tikawaka, mokawa, hoi kokota.
  [ A total of 511 words in the makoa dictionary ]

The Makoa Dictionary

// Nouns (plural: '-na' suffix)
· adventure, company, venture, quest = keheda
· air = ahei
· animal, beast, monster = howaha
· blood, red = lana
· boy, child, baby = miko
· chief, leader, boss, goat, master, teacher = papa
· clothes, uniform, suit, shirt, pant = mono
· cloud = aweiahei ta
· courage = mokawa
· door, gate = tuka
· faith, hope = pilu
· father = makulu ho
· fire, orange, lava = alei
· friend = meimo
· ghost, spectre = kawe
· girl = tiha
· ground, sand, terrain, brown, floor = atei
· health = hemo
· heaven, sky = kaila
· house, home, tent, room, area = keli
· hunter = howaha ho
· island, world = kaika
· jungle = polemulo
· light, white = luo
· luck, fortune, fate, destiny = lukaku
· man, guy = makulu
· mask = koa
· meerkat = lukuma
· mistery, puzzle, problem, trap = molo
· moon = tala
· morning = metala
· mother = mokali ho
· monkey = mekete
· name = teku
· number = kiko
· night, darkness = niweme
· part, rest = pulela
· people, inhabitant, peer, population = hamene
· place, scenario, point, spot, situation, case = wekolo
· plant, green = aweiatei ta
· power, strenght, energy = linoku
· rite, trial, test, challenge = hotuteku
· sea = wuo
· shaman = horomi
· snake = pike
· soul = lama
· spirit, religion, mind = kokota
· star = hoku
· stone, rock, idol, statue, grey = poku
· story, legend, history = mukula
· sun, yellow = topu
· temple = anekoe
· thing, artifact, object = pohiwo
· time, life, moment = kiki
· tribe, community, mankind, humanity, team, group, public = kumoa
· mountain, volcano = polemole
· war, battle, tragedy = katulu
· water, blue = awei
· way, path = hotu
· wisdom, revelation, truth, fact, experience, idea, information, true = tikawaka
· woman = mokali

// Adjetives
· able, capable, smart, sharp = kotaku
· bad, evil = totepo
· big, great, huge, large = pa
· brave = muto
· coward = wedo
· correct, ok = liaka
· dangerous, danger = atoko
· early = lieku
· easy = heila
· first = wutoko
· happy = itanui
· hard, difficult = watanu
· important = totoe
· last = paku
· long = kueko
· sad = onoko
· short = tela
· similar, same, equal = mutu
· small, tiny, few, little = mikako
· special, different = peluna
· tall, high, height = pila
// Verbs
· agree = humo
· ask, question, call = laki
· attack = meto
· await = totau
· be, been = ko
· become = peto
· begin = mewo
· break = kituti
· bring, carry = motatu
· believe = dakoda
· build = padoka
· can = mo
· change, buy, sell = pele
· choose, decide = pohono
· climb = wetia
· come = iwaiwa
· continue = woho
· create = hokoda
· dance = wili
· defeat, win = tikitaka
· do = to
· draw, paint, picture = tatua
· dream = lipo
· drink = mola
· eat, food = papeo
· fall, descend = wokuto
· feel = pilele
· find = kumi
· follow = imatua
· get, receive = makai
· give, offer = kuton
· go, pass = puno
· grow = kawatoi
· happen = wokio
· have = lo
· hear = kawala
· help, support = lakotai
· hide, cover = lowu
· hunt = tuaho
· keep = palaka
· kill, die, murder = tekelili
· know = ikilea
· learn, teach, explain, guide = koawu
· leave = liha
· let = leto
· lie, cheat, deceive = wohoni
· live = kuwea
· look = kuwo
· lose = kaka
· make, develop, produce, achieve, succeed = tahani
· meet = mito
· open = wahanea
· play = lewe
· put = owahea
· reach = teku
· read = koloko
· run = hotonu
· say, speak = latu
· see = tewu
· seem = uwote
· shine, glow = luome
· show, appear, return = koamu
· sing = peheneke
· sit = tetu
· stand, stay = uteke
· steal = wahuku
· stop = ewok
· survive = tupaku
· take, catch = takua
· tell = luwala
· think, wonder, meditate = koko
· try = utekai
· understand = walaho
· use = apetai
· wait = tatau
· walk = imaku
· want = numoa
· win = nokaka
· work, job, service = etiko
· write, book = wakua
// Pronouns
· i, me, my, mine, myself, own = io
· you, your, yours, yourself = tu
· he, him, his, himself = le
· she, her, hers, herself = lu
· it, its, itself = po
· we, our, ours, us = wio
· they, their, theirs, them, themselves = lewu
· everyone = holokumoa
· everything, all = holopohiwo
· nothing, black = hokana
· someone, anyone, other, another = kalukumoa
· something, anything = kalupohiwo
· what, which = komo
· when = kohi
· where = kohe
· who, whose, whom = kohu

// General
· as, like, about = poka
· and = hoi
· but, yet, however, nevertheless = koke
· by = ma
· bye, goodbye = wahalo
· everywhere = holokana
· for, during = kune
· from, since = pule
· hello, hi = waka
· here = hula
· if, whether = ke
· in, at, into = ni
· no, not = ta
· of = te
· on, over = upa
· only = dolo
· or = ho
· out = kela
· so, therefore = leko
· someway, anyway = kaluha
· thanks = tou
· then = kuna
· there = kolo
· to = na
· under, beneath, below = pokuna
· with = wata
· yes = kia
· very, many, lot = luma

// Numbers
· one = wu
· two = too
· three = ki
· four = lawa
· five = aoka
· six = dala
· seven = keme
· eight = dodo
· nine = aide
· ten = tana
· eleven = tawu
· twelve = tatu
· thirteen = taki
· fourteen = talawa
· fifteen = taoka
· sixteen = tadala
· seventeen = takeme
· eighteen = tadodo
· nineteen = taide
· twenty = tuta
· thirty = kata
· forty = lata
· fifty = aota
· sixty = data
· seventy = aeheta
· eighty = nata
· ninety = aideta
· hundred = mane
· thousand = mule
· million = mouma
// Expressions
· in order to = pakalaka

// Comparatives
· equal = meme
· less = neno
· more = moloki

// Direction
· down = nula
· left = leka
· right = luka
· up = paka
· back, backward, backwards = pataka
· forth, forward, forwards = palulu

// Articles
· a, an = huna
· the = li
· this, these = loko
· that, those = laka

// Modes
· are = aka
· did = nui
· is = imo
· must, might, should = waha
· shall = kila
· was = puna
· were = taka
· will = howa
· would = mula

// Time
· second = palike
· minute = omite
· hour = holu
· day = wea
· week = kemewea
· month = koime
· year = iouku
· after = lotoa
· before = atoa
· between = kowi
· future = paloto
· next = pelele
· past, old = naku
· present, now, new, young = toa
· someday = wealuwea
· today = toawea
· tomorrow = lotoawea
· yesterday = atoawea

// Week days
· monday = katuluwea
· tuesday = aweiwea
· wednesday = ateiwea
· thursday = aleiwea
· friday = aheiwea
· saturday = luowea
· sunday = niwemewea

// Months
· january = akamu
· february = kanai
· march = nelani
· april = akenehi
· may = wikolia
· june = keahilani
· july = puali
· august = rapa
· september = kelekolo
· october = ionakana
· november = manali
· december = hunelo

// Body
· body = hopoko
· ear = pola
· eye = pihela
· face = punko
· hand = mapote
· head, mind = wutumo
Makoa Translator © Risin' Goat, 2015